Il gelato italiano è il più buono di tutti (diffidare delle imitazioni mi raccomando!); perché non provare qualche gusto inedito? Quello ai pinoli è buonissimo...
Ingredienti per 5 persone
- 1 cucchiaio di panna fresca
- 5 tuorli d'uovo
- 1/2 lt di latte intero
- 120 gr di zucchero
- 1 cucchiaio di rum bianco
- 1 baccello di vaniglia
- 10 gr di pistacchi sgusciati
- 30 gr di mandorle sgusciate
- 80 gr di pinoli tostati
Come si fa
Frullate le mandorle, 70 gr di pinoli (tenetene via 10 gr per la decorazione finale) e panna. Poi fate bollire il latte insieme al baccello di vaniglia. In una ciotola, lavorate i tuorli e lo zucchero con un cucchiaio di legno fino a che tutto non risulti omogeneo; poco a poco aggiungete il latte facendolo passare attraverso il colino. Versate tutto in una casseruola e cuocete a fuoco dolce, portando il tutto quasi a ebollizione. una volta addensata incorporate il composto di panna, mandorle e pinoli. Quando la crema sarà fredda, mettete il tutto in una gelatiera. Terminato il procedimento, aggiungete il rum e poi...tutto nel congelatore! Servitelo con i pinoli tostati e spezzettati.
Italian ice cream is the good of all ( beware of imitations I highly recommend !) why not try some unusual taste ? That is delicious pine nuts ...
Ingredients for 5 people
1 tablespoon of fresh cream
5 egg yolks
1/2 liter of whole milk
4.2 ounces of sugar
1 tablespoon white rum
1 vanilla pod
0.3 ounces of shelled pistachios
1 ounce of shelled almonds
2.8 ounces of toasted pine nuts
How to prepare it
Blend almonds, 2.5 ounces of pine nuts (keep away the rest for the final decoration ) and cream. Then boil the milk with the vanilla bean. In a bowl, work the egg yolks and sugar with a wooden spoon until all non seamlessly; Gradually add the milk it through the strainer. Pour into a saucepan and cook over low heat , bringing almost everything to a boil. Once thickened stir in the mixture of cream, almonds and pine nuts. When the cream is cold, put everything in an ice cream maker. After the procedure, add the rum and then ... in the freezer! Serve with toasted pine nuts and chopped.
Italian ice cream is the good of all ( beware of imitations I highly recommend !) why not try some unusual taste ? That is delicious pine nuts ...
Ingredients for 5 people
1 tablespoon of fresh cream
5 egg yolks
1/2 liter of whole milk
4.2 ounces of sugar
1 tablespoon white rum
1 vanilla pod
0.3 ounces of shelled pistachios
1 ounce of shelled almonds
2.8 ounces of toasted pine nuts
How to prepare it
Blend almonds, 2.5 ounces of pine nuts (keep away the rest for the final decoration ) and cream. Then boil the milk with the vanilla bean. In a bowl, work the egg yolks and sugar with a wooden spoon until all non seamlessly; Gradually add the milk it through the strainer. Pour into a saucepan and cook over low heat , bringing almost everything to a boil. Once thickened stir in the mixture of cream, almonds and pine nuts. When the cream is cold, put everything in an ice cream maker. After the procedure, add the rum and then ... in the freezer! Serve with toasted pine nuts and chopped.
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